Updated Osaka Expo 2025 Map!

I recently found a newer map with more detail! So, I’ve created a new map based on this version, with additional detail including: the e-Mover shuttle route and stops, a notation for which country pavilions will have a dining option, more detailed info on all the shopping and dining venues (as well as adding them to the alphabetical map legend), and a symbol indicating locations at the Expo with dedicated terminals for making on-site pavilion/event registrations.
(Click on images for higher resolution.)

EDIT: I’ve also created PDF versions of these files here.

Osaka Expo 2025 World’s Fair Maps

I’m going to Expo 2025 in Osaka, and I’ve been frustrated that there is no relatively high-quality map with detailed info available about where all the pavilions are located within the venue. So, using maps and information cobbled together from multiple websites, I’ve put together some maps and information below for anybody who wants them. Enjoy!

This is a decent-quality map without markings. (click on image for larger version)

This is a decent quality map with location markings. (click on image for larger version)

These are the directories for those markings, one alphabetical by type, and one by map location. (click on images for larger versions)

I’m back… with a new Mousetalgia interview!

Hey everyone, sorry for not posting more updates, but I’ve been busy moving from the USA to Portugal. (It’s tougher than it sounds, especially when you’re living out of two suitcases for 6 months!) Anyway, I have something new for you today!

I recently attended the grand re-opening of Phantom Manor at Disneyland Paris (after it was closed for 16 months). My friend Kristen Pfeifer interviewed me about it for the latest episode of the excellent Disneyland podcast, Mousetalgia! Click the link below to have a listen!

Disneyland Paris: Bonjour and Buenos Dias!

I know, I know, I’ve been away waaaaaay too long.  Sorry, life has a habit of getting in the way. But, I finally leave the Unites States and visit the first of the non-American parks on my journey around the world!  In this episode, I reveal how Disneyland Paris was almost located in Spain, how the castle was almost a futuristic sci-fi tower, the secret meaning of the initials “D.M.”, and how NOT to get a free cup of coffee when you only have five minutes to spare.  Plus, random Game of Thrones reference!